6 September 2004

Random musings

Earlier today I was on my way across the college walkway to buy some lunch when I walked past Prof. Stephen Hawking going in the opposite direction. Neither of us were travelling at a velocity close to light speed so please do not draw any Einsteinian analogies from that last sentence. ;) I think Prof. Hawking is here for the conference on quantum gravity in honour of Prof. Chris Isham's 60th birthday. It was good to see a celebrity on campus (whereby celebrity is defined as someone who has appeared in an episode of The Simpsons).

When blogging, is it better to write shorter pieces frequently than longer pieces less frequently? Answers on the back of a postcard to...

Last week's All Hands Meeting in Nottingham, UK, had its ups and downs. The presentation of my paper was nearly marred when my laptop decided to permanently switch to VGA mode 10 minutes before I was due to talk -- Microsoft aaaarrrrrgh! None of our group managed to win anything in the raffle, but we managed to acquire a few freebies. In order of coolness:

We're such nerds! :)

I recieved my new camera last week! Yay! A Canon PowerShot S1 IS... *drool* Can't wait to try it out!