1 March 2003

In the beginning...

Hey all!

So after reading Maria's blog (http://serendipity786.blogspot.com) I felt compelled to jump on the bandwagon and begin my own blog. Here it is. My main purpose for creating this blog is to provide a means to organise and record my random thoughts, and share them with the rest of the Universe. However, I've become so bad at communicating lately (at least by the medium of the web), that I'm not entirely sure how this blog will progress, how often I'll write, or even what it will all be about (does anybody ever really know what it will all be about?). In any case comments/criticisms/chocolate are most welcome.

Okey, so it's 12:30PM on Saturday 1st March 2003. I've just got up, checked my mail and am about to go have some breakfast (or should that be lunch?). Welcome to Epicycle -- circles within circles! :)