27 April 2003

Reflective excuses...

I haven't written for a while, I know. There used to be a time where I felt like I had to somehow catalogue my life in immaculate detail. I was never one for keeping a journal so this habit would usually be fulfilled by a handful of e-mails to friends and family around the universe, telling them of my day, my thoughts and anything else I felt it was important to record. I'm not sure why I felt like I needed to that. Not so much the aspect of sharing my life, but for feeling obliged to commentate it in literal form. I guess it was, for me at least, a way of somehow preserving the adventure. I don't know.

These days I find myself e-mailing less and less. And I think that is partly why I began this blog -- to takeover where the philosophy of e-mailing left off. But the lack of a blog entry in the last fortnight or so, seems to imply that this isn't working. Doh! I guess part of the reason for this is because I don't have the time to write like I used to. But also, I feel less compelled to write for some reason. Less compelled to preserve the adventure, or necessarily share it with other people. I don't know (answers on a postcard to ...) Sorry.

Anyhow, excuses aside, I have this in my head.

Where do we go from here?
The words are coming out all weird,
Where are you now, when I need you?

Alone on an aeroplane,
Fall asleep on against the window pane,
My blood will thicken.
[ The Bends -- Radiohead ]